autocratic management is about the manager make their own decision without any
consultation, the manager likes to control the situation they’re in, so their
decisions will reflect the opinions and personality of the manager.
l Can making the quick decision
l No time waste
l boost personal morale
l implement decided new policy
It is a
easier way manage a big organization, because when the manager make their
decision there were no question ask, without to talk to someone it will save
some time; easier way to built the self-confidence;
l Stuffs maybe feel useless
l The new ideals from stuff will not be consider
l wait for instruction causing delays
l No initiative from staff
In an
opposite way to look the Autocratic management, there were some disadvantages.
When they make their decision without ask anyone, it might make the stuffs feel
useless and in this kind of management style the manager maybe lose lots of
good ideals from stuff