Hotels may offer some excuses that they have to oversell to make up for the
losses from the growing number of guests who make reservations but never keep
them. The main reason for overbooking is ‘No shows’, it means people who make
bookings but fail to honour them.
Some hotels routinely accept more reservations that it has rooms and
then sends the overflow guests to a closely hotel or the bad case: second-rate
motel, telling them they can take it or leave it. What’s more, some of the
hotels do not offer guests to adjust the rate, then guests could not get hotel
vouchers or other forms of credit that are impossible to redeem.
In academic theory the “no-show” reason we can include ‘Early
departures’ and’ late cancellations’ these two items. The best overbooking rate
is marginal revenue that equal to marginal cost. What we need to considered in
overbooking policy are four items: Estimate cancels, estimate no shows, early
check-out and extension check-out.